
Perianal fistula's

As I explained earlier what a perianal abscess and a fistula is, I'm now gonna show you the types of perianal fistula's. Yes you've read it good, there are also types in this kind of fistula's. The types depend on the place they're in your butt and whether or not they cross or go through your sphincters. Ruffly speaking there are 4 types of perianal fistula's as seen on the picture below:

The percentages in the picture stand for how often this type of fistula occurs. What's not shown in this picture is that the placement of a fistula can be higher and lower. A high fistula is more close to the bowel.

In cases where the fistula is still cousing absesses an abscess will develop from the track of the fistula.

My fistula is a high Trans-sphincteric fistula. That means it's beginning is high up in my rectum, goes through both sphincters and ends up in my butt. My fistula track has developed some side-tracks and started to create abscesses here and there, those are the red dots in the drawing below. It shows just how a fistula can develop.

Because of the placing of a perianal fistula it's not just a matter of cutting it out and that's it. You see, when they would cut out the fistula they will have to go through your sphincters and that means incontinence problems. That's why the surgical treatment of perianal fistula's are limited.
When a fistula is not treated infections will keep running through it and sooner or later will pile up and develop an(other) abscess.
I will talk more about the treatment of perianal fistula's in another post.

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