
My story: my first surgery

October 2011
I will start where I left off.. I was going home with a lot of pain medicine to wait 4 days for the appointment with this specialized surgeon. I had mixed feelings about an upcoming surgery. If they would have operated on me days before, I wouldn't have been able to get really nervous about it. Now I knew it was still going to take place, but I didn't know when. So I didn't really get much sleep those days, also because the pain was still killing me. After 4 days me and my mom went to the appoinment at the hospital. The first thing the surgeon asked me is why I was still sitting on one side of my butt? Well, because we were waiting for you to perform surgery on me, as discussed with this ER surgeon.. My mom and I were looking kind of proud when I told her this, I mean, I have waited 4 more days in so much pain, I thought it was quite an accomplishment. But the surgeon started to look really pissed off. She looked me straight in the eye and told me this was a very serious very dangerous situation I was in. That abscess should have been drained immediately. And she told me because of what she had seen on the MRI, it wasn't going to be just one surgery, she would probably have to operate on me numerous times to get this under control. She was very angry with this ER surgeon, he had made a mistake by not operating on me and letting me go home. Whoops.. My mom and I looked at each other and didn't really know what to say. I guess we were both flabbergasted. I thought it was just a matter of draining this stupid bumb and that would have been it.

The surgeon told me she was going to change her agenda that day because I needed to go in surgery as soon as possible. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything from that point on and had to check in to the hospital again. About 3 hours later, they told me I was going to the operating room. I had to put on this blue long shirt with buttons that was open in the back. And had to take everything else off. The nurses wheeled me in my bed to a pre-operating room. I had make-up on which they were trying to remove (It's good make-up) and I had to wear some weard thing to cover my hair. They gave me a very nice warm blanket and then I was wheeled to the operating room. Because I was going to have an epidural I was going to be alert during surgery.

The operating room looked a lot smaller than what I've had seen on tv. I have this sick interest in surgeries, so eventhough I was nervous I was also exited to be in such a room myself. You see a lot of equipment monitors and a big lamp. And now I knew why they give you this warm blanket, it's freezing there! I had to switch from my bed to the small operating table. The anesthetist stuck a needle in a vane in my arm for the anesthesia. And then I had to sit up straight for the epidural. This was the part I was most scared of. I had seen epidural needles on tv and the idea of them sticking that enormous thing in my spine was just terrifying. So I just squeezed the hand of a really nice assistent-anesthetist untill they told me it was done. I had to lay down again and they were installing some sort of thing to put my legs up. Like I was going to have a baby.. At that moment I really wished I was there to give birth instead of that stupid abscess. My legs started to feel numb. When they lifted up my legs to place them in these standerds I couldn't feel a thing. That's just so weird. I felt my belly and I couldn't feel my hand till just beneath my breasts. My surgeon and some of her assistents came in. They placed a green sheet as a curtain between my upper and lower half of my body so I couldn't see what they were doing down there. I also had stickers with wires on my chest and a thing on my finger. The assistent-anesthesist was sitting next to me to monitor everything. Because I couldn't see what they were doing and I was really nervous I just started babbling to him. I could hear my surgeon teaching some of her students, I could also hear what she needed next from the tooltable. After about 45 minutes she was done. She told me the surgery went well. My legs were layed down and I was switched from the operating table to the hospitalbed and wheeled to the recovery room.

In the recovery room they hook you up to monitors again and check on you like every 10 minutes. I asked the nurse what all the lines on the monitor were standing for. They check your heartrate, your oxigyn level and your bloodpressure. They take your temperature from time to time and they also check your bladder with an echo to see if it is full. If so, they will stick a catheter in it. Luckily mine was almost empty.. I hoped it stayed that way because I saw my IV therapy dripping really fast. They also had some liquid pain medicine hooked up to my IV. Next to me people were sleeping and snoring really loud, some were in pain, some were confused, some were pucking, some were crying. And I was just watching all of this, meanwhile constantly feeling my legs if I would start to feel them again. I think after an hour I could wiggle my toes again:) The nurses told me that when I could wiggle my toes I would be brought back to the hospital room, so I proudly showed them my wiggling toes. I also wanted to get back to the room because I was starving, I really wanted to eat something, anything. I was wheeled back to my room shortly after that and my parents were allready waiting there. Later on also one of my sister's and some friends came to visit me, sweet:) I was feeling really weak but no pain and I wasn't nauseous. So I babbled along about the surgery and all till visiting hours was over, then the nurse came to my bed to check up on me and told me she was going to take a look at the wound and clean the wound. I thought oké, you do that, I was kind of curious myself about what my surgeon had done and what the damage was. I didn't know my happy-after-surgery mood would go downhills pretty soon after..

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