
Watch TV series

When you have Crohn's it's more likely that you have to stay at home more often just because you're to sick or to tired. I know.. it sucks! When I first became really sick I needed some distraction or just something, anything to make the day go faster and forget about the pain. I have this big black screen in my livingroom called a TV and he became my new friend to keep me company. Hmm.. sounds kind of pathetic really haha.. Anyways I think you know what I mean;) In the Netherlands, were I live, there is lots to watch during primetime and not so much during daytime. That's why I started watching TV series I always wanted to see but never got around to. So this will be the first and easiest way on 'How to keep yourself busy'.

Here are some of my favorite TV series:

If you want excitement, shootings, murder and brilliant stories:
  • Breaking Bad
  • Homeland
  • 24
  • Dexter
  • Boardwalk Empire
If you want something with fairytales or superheroes:
  • Once upon a time
  • Heroes
If you just can't get enough of hospitals:
  • House
  • Grey's Anatomy
If you would like some English drama seen from a Heritage household with Lords and servants:
  • Downton Abbey
And if you just want some fun and humorous entertainment:
  • Modern Family
  • Frasier
  • Glee
  • Coupling
  • Extras
  • How I met your mother
Warning: this series may be addictive, so don't blame me for not getting enough sleep;)
If you would like to know more about a serie and what other people think of it, check IMDB.

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